The Bus Test

The "bus test" is quite simple - It asks the question "If X is hit by a bus, what happens to Y that relies on X"? Let's replace X and Y with some real examples. If the primary bread winner…

Rethinking Jealousy

Entrepreneur Naval Ravikant explains that jealousy is often misplaced. "Jealousy is such a poisonous emotion because, at the end of the day, you're no better off, you're unhappier, and the person you're jealous of is still successful or good-looking, or…

Tiny Thoughts

On this page, I often add stray thoughts that have no home. There are two ways to be extraordinary - either you figure out something that no one else has, or you master the best of what others have already…

Fear of Failure

Our internal dialogue is our harshest critic. It often stops us from taking action due to fear of failure. I am not ready yet, I don't have the skill, remember the last time I screwed up - such thoughts bubble…

The Bad Days

Some days are smooth. Everything goes as expected and you are able to do impactful things without breaking a sweat. The birds are singing and the sun is shining. You whistle your way through the world. Some days are rough.…

Dealing With Problems

For each headache you face, ask yourself, "Is this mostly real or mostly imagined?" Solve the real problems, release the imaginary ones. James Clear The problems that we face are of two types. Some problems are like a muddy pond.…


You may have noticed that young children are naturally optimistic and they bounce off setbacks very quickly. But as we grow into our careers and life, we see so many failed efforts and dysfunction, that cynicism quietly seeps in our…


Concise communication is a super power. Subtract words until you can subtract no more. Conciseness requires clarity. Clarity requires thinking. Thinking requires writing down your thoughts. The more you practice writing, the more concise you learn to be.

Mastering Ambiguity

Ambiguity is a silent killer. It kills ideas, aspirations and projects. Too many choices are a source of ambiguity. Jargon, complexity and muddled thinking are a source of ambiguity. The need to lay down all the steps to reach the…

A Letter On Love

Love is hard to explain in words. But it can be felt through mysterious mediums. When I thought about writing this post, I found my stream of words so inadequate that I gave up. And then one day, I came…